Coaching & Strategic Advisory

Coaching Services | Our Approach | Resources

Coaching Services


Leader Coaching

TribusAllen offers one-on-one coaching at all levels, from C-suite to front-line leaders. We personalize coaching based on an evolving assessment of your personal and professional goals, both current and future. We foster personal reflection as you connect with you strengths, vulnerabilities, values, and goals. We spur your development by serving as a sounding board, offering advice and resources, and providing regular follow-ups and reassessments. Ultimately, we help you discover who you are and where you want to go, develop an action plan to get you there, and hold you accountable for progress.

Team Coaching

TribusAllen offers custom-designed sessions to elevate your team’s performance. We start with a deliberate process of - phone interviews, individual and team assessments, surveys, and more… to help you uncover roadblocks and identify clear outcome goals. Our sessions are dynamic, interactive, and designed to facilitate authentic communication and commitment to action. We follow up with session summaries and suggested next steps in order to help you create sustainable, long-term impact.

Coaching Workshops

TribusAllen offers personalized programs to up level coaching skills at your organization. We start by building the case for coaching, generating enthusiasm for investing in leadership development. We then introduce a framework for holding effective coaching conversations — the GROW model — and provide opportunities to practice applying the model through simulations based on coachable moments commonly encountered in your organization. Participants receive feedback on their coaching skills, and develop action plans for improvement.

Coaching is a dynamic and thought-provoking process designed to increase self-awareness and unlock your greatest potential.

Benefits of Our Coaching

Executive Presence | Focus and Goal Setting | Emotional intelligence | Resilience and Wellbeing | Life Purpose | Strategic Thinking | Decision Making | Enhanced Culture | Productivity and Engagement | Conflict Resolution | Effective Communication | Family Dynamics | Enhanced, Trusting Relationships



The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever
by Michael Bungay Stanier

3 Big Questions That Everyone Asks Sooner Or Later by Dave Phillips

Wellness Assessments: Manage your energy, Blue Zones, Eat Move Sleep, Time Management

Professional Assessments: EchoSpan 360, Emotional Intelligence

The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile

The Book of Questions
by Gregory Stock


Experience Transformation